Monday, October 29, 2012

Photo tour of Google's data centers

Douglas County, Georgia, USA

Photograph by Google
“These colorful pipes send and receive water for cooling our facility. Also pictured is a G-Bike, the vehicle of choice for team members to get around outside our data centers.”

Douglas County, Georgia, USA

Photograph by Google
“Blue LEDs on this row of servers tell us everything is running smoothly. We use LEDs because they are energy efficient, long lasting and bright.”

Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Photograph by Google
“Inside our campus network room, routers and switches allow our data centers to talk to each other. The fiber optic networks connecting our sites can run at speeds that are more than 200,000 times faster than a typical home Internet connection. The fiber cables run along the yellow cable trays near the ceiling.”

 The Dalles, Oregon, USA

Photograph by Google
“Denise Harwood diagnoses an overheated CPU. For more than a decade, we have built some of the world’s most efficient servers.”

via twistedsifter

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